From Favorite Recipes Press, Louisville, Kentucky.
Lots of creative ideas here, folks, though in some cases you might want to use the google machine to find a more contemporary recipe. Brainstorm on some of these ideas–even some of the far out ones–and let your imagination run wild! There are lots of ways to stick with tradition even as you throw in some new ideas to shake Thanksgiving up for your family and other guests.
Requisite fruit cornucopia, gorgeous stuffed turkey, pumpkin pie with mincemeat, cranberry ring mold. This is a table with a plan.
Here's the inviting cover. I love the shaved chocolate on the cake. And those avocado green candles are doing a great job of ushering in the color palette of the 70's!
Did you know President Lincoln was the one to really get the Thanksgiving holiday started? (President Roosevelt signed it into law in 1941.)
I agree with the recommendation to branch out and serve other mains alongside or besides turkey. Especially in years where they're harder to get your hands on (like this one, 2021).
Decorating with fruit is always an excellent idea for a festive table as well.
Make sure your pumpkin pie mincemeat is hot and moist! For the smoked turkey I'm not sure I'd go with the 1/3 cup liquid smoke however. Get yourself a real smoker or borrow the neighbor's. I AM however a big ring mold fan. Give it a shot, you might find you are too!
As mentioned, being creative with other poultry if turkeys are scarce is never a bad idea. Quail baked in wine? Yes please!
This turkey sandwich sounds terrific, and any time somebody mentions a relish tray, you know I'm going to be right there.
In case you're of a mind to be formal. I like the idea of fruit dressing. I'd add cranberries and dried apricots.
I desperately need to make this aspic just so I can see what it looks like.
Cloverleaf rolls?! Don't mind if I do. This crabmeat cocktail would make an elegant starter. Brunswick stew is another example of "thinking outside the turkey." Who says you can't serve chicken, beef, and pork all deliciously stewed up with mashed potatoes instead of all the traditional Thanksgiving fare? Sounds like a complete dinner to me!
Happy Thanksgiving, one and all !!! 🦃