Stuffed Rolls, Firecracker Style!
From The Illustrated Good Housekeeping Encyclopedic Cookbook 3, 1965

Crab-Meat Filling:
1 6 1/2-oz. can crab meat, flaked
Dash lemon juice
1/4 cup minced celery
1/4 cup chopped cucumber
3/4 teasp. salt
1/8 teasp. pepper
About 1/4 cup mayonnaise
Bologna-and-Egg Filling:
1/4 lb. bologna, coarsely grated
2 chopped, hard-cooked eggs
3 tablesp. pickle relish
1 teasp. salt
1 teasp. prepared mustard
1/4 to 1/2 cup mayonnaise
Chicken-and-Almond Filling:
1 5-oz. can boned chicken
1/4 cup canned roasted, diced almonds
1/4 cup chopped stuffed olives
1/4 teasp. curry powder
1/2 teasp. salt
1/4 to 1/3 cup mayonnaise
Be sure all ingredients for sandwich
fillings are well chilled. With fork, mix
together each filling, adding just enough
mayonnaise to make it spreadable.
For firecrackers: Split 14 to 16 frank-
furter rolls. Fill each split roll with
a filling; insert strip of pimento at one
end for fuse. Makes 14 to 16 servings